International Faculty
The UEES and its School of International Studies employ professors and administrators representing a wide variety of countries: Japan, France, United States, Cuba, Colombia, Italy, Brazil, Peru and several other nations. This diversity is very beneficial to the development of our students and our institution, in that it presents the UEES community with unique perspectives, insights, and solutions to problems.
Department: Estudios Internacionales
- ICP- International Careers Program
- IDIOMAS- School of Foreign Languages & Applied Linguistics
- Educación On-line
- Weekend College
Educational Background
- Ph.D. (on-line) at Universidad de Jaén, España
- B.A., Yale University
- Master Mariner, Any Gross Tonnage, Republic of Liberia
- Capitán de Altura de la Marina Mercante, Dirección de la Marina Mercante,
- Licenciado en Artes Liberales, Universidad Espíritu Santo
- M.A. Universidad de Jaén, España
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching should motivate the student to enjoy learning and to want to acquire the skills that led to successful business or academic careers.- English Language
- Composition and Communication in English
- Composition and Communication in Spanish
- Intercultural Communication
- World Economy
Professional Profile
Over sixty years off and on experience as a language teacher. Former CEO and Sea Captain who later returned to teaching. Extensive experience as Undersecretary of Economy. As CEO was responsible for designing, financing and building Centro Comercial AlbánBorja. Former President of Guayaquil Country Club and Guayaquil Tennis Club.Contact Information
E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]Cell Phone: 099-504160
Office Location
UEES, Facultad de Estudios InteernacionalesDepartment: ICP – International Career Program
Educational Background
- ING: Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL)
- MBA: Universidad del Mar, Chile.
Teaching Philosophy
First I think I'm not teaching to fail students but to share knowledge. Secondly I think I should teach the most important aspects of mathematics and statistics applied in everyday life as a tool for decision making. The most important thing is not the number but the interpretation. Finally, I don’t believe in silly questions, but who hasn’t asked silly questions?Teaching Specialties
- Statistics I
- Statistics II
- Calculus I
- Calculus II
- Linear Algebra
- Quantitative Methods for Research
- Projects I
- Projects II
Professional Profile
Due to my professional training as a statistician and my training as magister in management, I am able to:- Research and directing on statistics departments and quality control administrative or service companies.
- Provide statistical support, reengineering projects and resource optimization.
- Formulate, develop and analyze public opinion surveys and market research.
- Coordinate academic careers in administrative areas, computer courses or related areas.
- Teach in Statistics, Mathematics, Calculus, English, Advanced Computing.
- Develop, evaluate and manage research, investment and social projects.
Contact Information
E-mail: [email protected]Office Location
UEES Samborondon CampusKm 2 ½ Puntilla-Samborondón
Cdla Tornero II (Greater Guayaquil)
Guayas, Ecuador
Educational Background
- M.BA. en Dirección de Empresas: Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial-IDE
- Ingeniera en Ciencias Empresariales: UEES
Contact Information
E-mail: [email protected]Office Location
UEES Samborondon CampusKm 2 ½ Puntilla-Samborondón
Cdla Tornero II (Greater Guayaquil)
Guayas, Ecuador
Department: ICP – International Career Program
Educational Background
- B.A., University of South Carolina
- M.B.A., University of Quebec
Teaching Philosophy
In the courses taught the material: books, lectures, problems, cases, internet data and presentations which carefully selected to meet the high standards that ICP and the University demands. Courses are taught using the Socratic method of questions and answers the purposes is to motivate the student, through a participative effort that compliments lectures, real world examples, and cases from the U.S., Ecuador and around the world are brought to classroom to enhance the learning experience. Furthermore, special emphasis is made in the differences between theory (in traditional books) and practice in real life. Although at ICP we bring international education with high international standards, I teach the differences between the modus operandi in developed economies and the Ecuadorian reality, which is affected by the economic and legal system. Additionally, in my courses I teach, explain and practice exercises that demand skills with internet and EXCEL from several sources.Teaching Specialties
- Finance
- Accounting
- Economics
Professional Profile
In the beginning of my professional career I was involved with the Financial service sector related to the Financial Institutions market in areas like: Commercial Bank, Investment Bank, Mutual fund company, and a Finance Company (Sociedad Financiera). My involvement included:- Analysis in the Trader Room of a Commercial Bank, Managerial Reports and Analysis
- Trading of Securities in a Commercial Bank: CDs, Repos, Interbancarios bought and sold, Certificado de Ahorro, Discounted securities: Avales , Promissory notes. Also Financial advice was provided to Individual and Corporate customers.
- Activities in the Trader Room of an Investment Bank: Avales , Promissory notes
- Analysis in the Mutual Fund Company
- Trading of Securities in the Finance Company: Repos, CDs, Interbancarios
- Working Capital Management (Current Asets and Current Liabilities)
- Long term assets investment
- Taxes and retenciones
- Capital structure (Debt & Equity management)
- Capital Budgeting,
- Financial Analysis: Ratio analysis, Cash Flow
- Financial and Managerial Accounting Analysis (General Ledger, general journal, and Registration examination on the accounts used)
- Forecasts
- Budgets
- Securities analysis
Contact Information
E-mail: [email protected]Office Location
UEES Samborondon CampusKm 2 ½ Puntilla-Samborondón
Cdla Tornero II (Greater Guayaquil)
Guayas, Ecuador
Educational Background
- Magister en Estudios de la Cultura mención en Literatura Hispanoamericana: Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar.
- Doctora en Medicina y Cirugía: Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil
Contact Information
E-mail: [email protected]Office Location
UEES Samborondon CampusKm 2 ½ Puntilla-Samborondón
Cdla Tornero II (Greater Guayaquil)
Guayas, Ecuador
Department: ICP – International Career Program
Educational Background
- B.A.: Universidad Católica de Guayaquil
- M.B.A.: University of Central Florida
Teaching Philosophy
Effective teaching at a college level should incorporate theory and practice. Students should be given the appropriate tools to grasp the fundamentals of the subject, and also be inspired to find more information and apply it in their lives.Teaching Specialties
- Leadership
- Creative Management
- Introduction to Business Management
- Organizational Behavior
- Marketing
Professional Profile
As the owner and President of his own company (NOMACER S.A.), Norman has been able to bring his own professional experience to the classroom.Prior to his entrepreneur experience, he has worked in one of the largest bank corporations of the world, Citibank, and in the second largest bank in Ecuador, Banco de Guayaquil.
While studying for his MBA in Orlando, Florida, Norman worked for AT&T; in the Collections and Customer Service Department.
As a teacher, he believes that although not every professional experience is the same, values such as punctuality, hard work, and fairness are essential for any position and that they should be encouraged in the classroom.
Contact Information
E-mail: [email protected]Office Location
UEES Samborondon CampusKm 2 ½ Puntilla-Samborondón
Cdla Tornero II (Greater Guayaquil)
Guayas, Ecuador
Department: ICP- International Careers Program
Educational Background
- MA in International Peace Studies, International University of Japan
- Ingeniera en Ciencias Empresariales: UEES
Contact Information
E-mail: [email protected]Office Location
UEES Samborondon CampusKm 2 ½ Puntilla-Samborondón
Cdla Tornero II (Greater Guayaquil)
Guayas, Ecuador
Department: ICP – International Career Program
Educational Background
- B.A. in Psychology, Boston University
- EdM TESOL, Boston University
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching should motivate the student to question all beliefs and cause them to use their critical thinking skills to find the truth and reality in their lives. I feel students need to be given the ability to explore and learn for themselves. I don’t get upset with students who may not do well in class and I have had a number of students take my class again after failing. Whether a student chooses to learn or not is their choice, however, to be there and be supportive of the student is the choice of the teacher.Teaching Specialties
- TESOL Education
- Psychology
- English Grammar
- Writing
- Accuracy and Fluency
Professional Profile
As a former business owner and real estate sales person, Randy Davis tries to give students the benefit of years in the business world and experience of living in many countries throughout the world.Contact Information
E-mail: [email protected]Office Location
UEES Samborondon CampusKm 2 ½ Puntilla-Samborondón
Cdla Tornero II (Greater Guayaquil)
Guayas, Ecuador
Educational Background
- Master in Business Administration: UEES
- Máster en Comercio Internacional: Universidad de Complutense de Madrid
- Ingeniero en Ciencias Empresariales: UEES
Educational Background
- Master in Business Administration: UEES
- Bachelor of Arts-Major Psychology: University of Texas at Austin
Department: ICP – International Career Program
Educational Background
- BS Molecular and Cellular Biology, California State University Fresno
- MS Biology, California State University Fresno
- MBA Universidad Santa María, campus Guayaquil
- MBA Universidad de Lleida, España
Teaching Philosophy
I believe that every student has its own potential to succeed, and that professors can be the people that can lead them to fulfill their professional goals.Teaching Specialties
- Ecology
- Cultural Factors in International Business
- International Trade
- Leadership, Creativity and Negotiations
- International Negotiations
Professional Profile
Currently the Dean of the School of International Studies. Travelled more than 45 countries for research and tourism.Contact Information
E-mail: [email protected]Office Location
UEES Samborondon CampusKm 2 ½ Puntilla-Samborondón
Cdla Tornero II (Greater Guayaquil)
Guayas, Ecuador
Department: Idiomas- School of Foreign Languages & Applied Linguistics
Educational Background
- Master Français Langue Etrangère, Université Grenoble-Stendhal, France
- Maitrise de Conception et mise en œuvre de projets culturels, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3
Teaching Philosophy
Enseigner est avant tout un défi, celui de transmettre un savoir, efficacement et professionnellement, partager ses connaissances avec les apprenants de façon communicative. Maitriser des langues étrangères permet de toute évidence de s’ouvrir sur le monde extérieur, connaitre l’Autre et sa culture, mais aujourd’hui il s’agit aussi d’une obligation afin d’être compétitif sur le marché du travail. Enseigner est sans aucun doute une vocation, une passion.Teaching Specialties
- Français
Professional Profile
Organisatrice d’événements culturels de formation en France, Marion Ingrassia est ensuite devenue professeur de français en Equateur où elle enseigne depuis 2003. Titulaire d'un Master FLE, elle a assisté en tant que formatrice et participante à de nombreux congrès nationaux et internationaux afin d’actualiser ses connaissances dans le domaine du Français Langue Etrangère et de faire bénéficier les apprenants de nouvelles méthodes d’enseignement dans le domaine des langues étrangères.Contact Information
E-mail: [email protected]Office Location
UEES Samborondon CampusKm 2 ½ Puntilla-Samborondón
Cdla Tornero II (Greater Guayaquil)
Guayas, Ecuador
Educational Background
- Diploma Superior de cuarto nivel en Pedagogías Innovadoras: Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
- Especialista en Gestion y Liderazgo Educativo: Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
- Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación, especialidad Inglés: Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
- Profesor de Eduación Media, especialidad Inglés: Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
Department: ICP- International Careers Program
Educational Background
- Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas - Estudiante Dec 2015- Dec 2017 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid – España
- Máster en Economía de la Escuela Austriaca – July 2015 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid – España
- Bachelor of Sciences – March 2012 Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo UEES, Guayaquil – Ecuador
- Major: International Affairs, Business Management, Foreign Trade
- Minors: International Finance, Marketing
Teaching Philosophy
Education is one of the key elements for growth and development; it should be seen as a tool for individuals to be free and empowered. The method for educating should be based on criticizing and questioning reality and proposing new alternatives for the constantly changing future.Teaching Specialties
- Economics
- Politics
- International trade
- Management
Professional Profile
- Experience in business management, imports and exports
- Passionate about teaching and Politics
- Developing a PhD research about the difference between education and schooling and how providing higher importance to the individual as well as proposing alternative education can produce a high impact on growth for society.
Contact Information
E-mail: [email protected]Office Location
UEES Samborondon CampusKm 2 ½ Puntilla-Samborondón
Cdla Tornero II (Greater Guayaquil)
Guayas, Ecuador
Department: ICP- International Careers Program
Educational Background
- BIA International Relations
- MSc International Negotiations, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar
- MCO Communication, Universitat de Barcelona
Teaching Philosophy
I believe that education is an ongoing dialogue of knowledge. All, students and teachers are citizens of the world.Teaching Specialties
- International Relations
- International Negotiation
- Conflict Management
- Communication
- Haute cuisine
Professional Profile
My passion, teaching. Always thinking about different ways of seeing the world. Science, culture and humanity.Contact Information
E-mail: [email protected]Web:
Office Location
UEES Samborondon CampusKm 2 ½ Puntilla-Samborondón
Cdla Tornero II (Greater Guayaquil)
Guayas, Ecuador
- Ingeniera en Gestión Turístico Hotelera: Tecnológico Espíritu Santo
Filosofía de enseñanza
Mi filosofía de enseñanza involucra la interacción de profesor y estudiantes en un descubrimiento activo, en mi caso particular, de las bondades del idioma italiano y la cultura que se encuentra tras él. La enseñanza debe ser una actividad dinámica, de aprendizaje de doble vía, puesto que el profesor no deja de aprender de cada uno de sus estudiantes y de las interacciones que se den en el salón de clases. Como en cualquier tipo de relación humana, en la enseñanza la comunicación es un motor indispensable para alcanzar una meta previamente fijada, conocida y aceptada por todos los participantes desde el primer día de clases.Perfil Profesional
Formada en el mundo del turismo y la hotelería, el servicio y la comunicación de conocimiento y la importancia de los idiomas estuvieron siempre entre mis prioridades. Después de trabajar en diferentes ramas del mundo del turismo, la necesidad de los idiomas como instrumento para una comunicación efectiva marcaron el curso de mi desarrollo profesional. Tanto como profesora de italiano como directora del Departamento de Idiomas, considero altamente necesario proveer a los estudiantes las herramientas que los ayudarán en su vida laboral y personal.Department: ICP- International Careers Program
Educational Background
- B.A. Translation and Interpretation: Universidad Espíritu Santo
- MSc. International Development: University of Edinburgh
Teaching Philosophy
Intercultural values guide my teaching philosophy. The intercultural classroom is a place where students become aware of their assumptions about how we communicate. Furthermore, it provides a kind of exploration where learning is guided by curiosity, respect for the views of others and openness to alternative explanations. I create the atmosphere of an intercultural classroom in every class I teach, because I firmly believe that learning should be an engaging process. Thus, teachers and students should be able to exchange ideas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge, but I also seek to encourage students to learn from each other.Teaching Specialties
- Institutions in Society
- Speech
Professional Profile
As a former Translation & Interpretation student, I had to learn different languages and travel abroad as well. I worked as a freelance translator / interpreter and as Inbound Coordinator for international students before becoming a teacher. Therefore, these experiences provided me with an intercultural background that gives me an intimate perspective on cross-cultural communication in the real world and benefits my students by providing material for case studies, classroom simulations and vivid examples. I firmly believe that any citizen of the world need to have certain notions of our history and sociocultural context. This is why I teach the course Institutions in Society.Contact Information
E-mail: [email protected]Office Location
UEES Samborondon CampusKm 2 ½ Puntilla-Samborondón
Cdla Tornero II (Greater Guayaquil)
Guayas, Ecuador
Educational Background
- Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación: Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
Educational Background
- Economista . CELTA: Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte
- Magister en Educación Superior, Universidad de Guayaquil.
Department: ICP- International Careers Program
Educational Background
- Bachelor of Science, Florida Atlantic University
- Master in Business Administration, Oklahoma City University
- Diplomado en Gerencia de Marketing, UEES
Teaching Philosophy
I believe in developing an interactive learning experience. Students need to be prepared to apply what they learn in meaningful ways; and to be able to work both independently and collaboratively.Teaching Specialties
- Marketing
- International Business
- Management.
Professional Profile
MBA professional with twelve years of commercial experience in multinational corporations, working with cross-functional teams to maximize results based on team effort and commitment to achieve goals. Dedicated to fulfill business objectives by developing creative and innovative approaches to problem solving, and strategy development. Possess the ability to design and implement promotional activities to boost sales revenue and increase business profits.Contact Information
E-mail: [email protected]Office Location
UEES Samborondon CampusKm 2 ½ Puntilla-Samborondón
Cdla Tornero II (Greater Guayaquil)
Guayas, Ecuador
Department: ICP- International Careers Program
Educational Background
- Master in International Relations, Latrobe University, Melbourne Australia
- Bachelor of International Relations, Latrobe University, Melbourne Australia
- Bachelor of Business (Accountancy), RMIT University, Melbourne Australia
Teaching Philosophy
Higher education is a place to learn how to thrive in the real world. Dedication, organization, and intellectual curiosity are highly valued in my classroom.Teaching Specialties
- Intercultural Communication
- Co-Cultures
- Cultural Factors for International Business
- Principles of Writing
- Composition of English I and II
Professional Profile
Aleksandar worked as a professional accountant in Australia at multiple Chartered Accounting firms. During these years, he undertook a multitude of core business operations, including taxation compliance, preparing and analysing corporate financial statements, and business consulting. After leaving the accounting field, Aleksandar moved to Quito, where he undertook a professional English instructor position for high-tier professionals, including executives from CITIBANK, MERK, Nestle, and the Ecuadorian Minister for Non-Renewable Natural Resources. In 2014, Aleksandar moved to a position at UDLA university, where he taught advanced business English, and English writing courses. He has since become a professor here at UEES, enjoying teaching a variety of courses that fit well with his diversified background.Contact Information
E-mail: [email protected]Office Location
UEES Samborondon CampusKm 2 ½ Puntilla-Samborondón
Cdla Tornero II (Greater Guayaquil)
Guayas, Ecuador
Department: ICP- International Careers Program
Educational Background
- B.A., Northeastern Illinois University
- Master in Business Administration, Governors State University
- Master in Economics, De Paul University
Teaching Philosophy
A teacher should be a facilitator in the classroom and should guide students through the subject matter in order to assist them in their own discoveries. Students should be motivated to learn how to learn and should feel comfortable to bring new insights into a subject matter or raise/answer questions during a classroom discussion. As a facilitator, a teacher should encourage students to carry on research and to apply any research technique available to them both in and out of the classroom.Teaching Specialties
- Economics
- Human Resource Management
- Strategic Management
- International Business/Economics
Professional Profile
His main areas of interest are Human Resource Development, Strategic Planning and Small Business Development. He has worked in these fields at the senior management level, as well as, as a consultant.Professor Valdivieso has participated and published several studies on economic and educational issues, both in the United States and Ecuador. Most of his professional work has been within the international environment.
Since 1978 has been teaching, at the college level, economics and business courses at Elmhurst College, University of South Carolina, Brookdale Community College and at Universidad Espíritu Santo (ICP).
He has been associated with Fundación Ecuador since 1994 and at the present time is the foundation’s General Coordinator. Professor Valdivieso was nominated “Who is who among students in American Universities”, “Outstanding Young Men of America” and “Outstanding Citizen of Guayaquil.
Contact Information
E-mail: [email protected]Office Location
UEES Samborondon CampusKm 2 ½ Puntilla-Samborondón
Cdla Tornero II (Greater Guayaquil)
Guayas, Ecuador
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